
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The importance of living green.

Have you ever noticed how as of late, we have more people who are sick more often? Have you ever wondered why that is? I know as of late I've been questioning this very thing, and I'm positive its because of the chemicals from the products we use in everyday life. I've been sick for 4 days or so now and I've really started thinking about the products I've been using, and it seems like 98% of what I use, is nasty, chemical ridden stuff, as much as I try to recycle all the time, I'm still buying products that are not only unhealthy for me but also for our environment. We should look for products that are certified organic. I'm making an oath to myself to use products that are cleaner and greener for me and our environment. More home cooking, more repurposing, more composting, more upcycling, more homemade, more home grown. And I'm sending out a challenge to everyone who reads my blog to do the same. So who is with me?

So from today I'm starting a 30 day challenge for myself, I'm hoping others will join me in my journey to change the world we live in to a healthier world!


  1. Many blessings and luck upon you in your challenge hun! It's hard, I do my best every single day to do right with Mother Earth.
