
Saturday, November 6, 2010

Baby's sick again

Have you ever thought to yourself oh crap the baby's sick again whatever am I gonna do? Well I can honestly say I have. When you're knee deep in poopy diapers, your child is whiney, snotty nosed, and just a ball of aweful you can't help but to wonder what you're going to do. It's these times that most frustrate me. The times when your child refuses to nap even though they so blatently need one. The times when you just want to bow out, run away and start over. I love my son but some days I just want to give up and throw in the towel. When I've given all I think I can give and I can't take anymore. It's those days when I really prove to myself that I am far stronger than I give myself credit for. When I'm here dealing with this sick baby all by myself and his father is no where to be found. It's those times that I try and find the blessings in life. Every moment in my home is a cherished moment. I've learned not to take things for granted because all too soon all those things can be taken from you. In the blink of an eye really. I realize this is probably jumbled and all over the place and I'm sorry about that, it's only because I'm tired, my thoughts are all over the place, and I can't get them stuck on just one topic. Anyways this is going to be short. I have yet another long work day ahead of me.