Hello everyone, I know it's been such a long time since I have written and I'm going to try and write more. In fact that is going to be my new year's resolution. To blog more. Speaking of new year's it's officially one of the last day's before new year's day. And honestly I can't believe where this year has gone. I'm taking time to reflect currently on this year. There have been some big changes, some good, some bad, some happy, some sad. But the one thing that I have realized in this past year is that whatever has happened, everything that has happened has been a blessing. Everyday I have been able to wake up to yet another day. So as I reflect on the good, and leave the bad, to be kept at the back of my mind not to be reflected on with too much effort, I realize how much I have learned in the last year as well.
This year I have embarked on going back to school. I'm currently upgrading some courses so that I can get into a diploma program for photography and graphic arts. Which I'm excited about. It's always been my dream to be a photographer. I've always been a very creative person and it brings me much joy to be able to capture other people in photographs. It also gives me great pleasure to see the reaction I get from others when they see the finished project.
Also this year I ended a relationship with someone I cared about very much. But in ending that relationship I found myself and who I was. I found out how strong I truly am. I dealt with some inner demons that I had been avoiding in hopes they would sort themselves out. But I dealt with them head on. I also found more joy in spending time with my son one on one than I ever though possible. He is so smart and teaches me something new everyday. I also found new love, a man who has been simply amazing to both me and Corbyn. He's a great person, who is very caring.
I also spent my time reading and learning a new skill that I was never able to learn before but after some practice I have figured it out. So I've spent time crocheting. I have also spent time baking and cooking. Which is some of my favorite things to do. So basically I'm saying that I have spent my time doing things I enjoy while finding myself. Which I think is very important in the journey to finding yourself, figuring out what it is that you like to do.
On the topic of finding myself. My sister sent me the book Eat, Pray, Love for christmas and honestly she could not have sent it to me at a better time in my life. Because that's exactly what the book is about, finding yourself, it's a book I would recommend anyone reading. It's a book that I'm enjoying very much, it's given me a whole new outlook on things that I thought about. A fresh perspective so to speak.
So here is my question : What are your new year's resolutions?
Mine are:
To spend more quality time with family and friend (by this I mean even if it's a short time to make the most of it everytime)
To learn a new skill and improve on my old ones.
To stop procrastinating and work on getting things done right away and not putting them off.
To volunteer for a charity at least once.
To read at least 50 books :)
To get healthier
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Baby's sick again
Have you ever thought to yourself oh crap the baby's sick again whatever am I gonna do? Well I can honestly say I have. When you're knee deep in poopy diapers, your child is whiney, snotty nosed, and just a ball of aweful you can't help but to wonder what you're going to do. It's these times that most frustrate me. The times when your child refuses to nap even though they so blatently need one. The times when you just want to bow out, run away and start over. I love my son but some days I just want to give up and throw in the towel. When I've given all I think I can give and I can't take anymore. It's those days when I really prove to myself that I am far stronger than I give myself credit for. When I'm here dealing with this sick baby all by myself and his father is no where to be found. It's those times that I try and find the blessings in life. Every moment in my home is a cherished moment. I've learned not to take things for granted because all too soon all those things can be taken from you. In the blink of an eye really. I realize this is probably jumbled and all over the place and I'm sorry about that, it's only because I'm tired, my thoughts are all over the place, and I can't get them stuck on just one topic. Anyways this is going to be short. I have yet another long work day ahead of me.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Living a Godly life and Parenting in a Godly way
So today I want to touch on what it means to live in a Godly life and Parent in a Godly way. This does not mean that we get up and go to church every Sunday only to forget what we have been taught after we go home from church. To live a Godly life means to uphold the values that the Bible teaches us that God wants every day of every week of every year. To parent in a Godly way means to instill the values that we have been taught by the Bible into our children. I know myself I have often struggled to live a Godly life, often times I have been persecuted for speaking of the blessings of God. God has done many good works in my life, blessed me beyond measure, and even when I was in the depths of trials, he was always there helping to carry the cross that at moments seemed far too heavy to bear. I have been blessed with family, friends, and the gift of being a mother. I'm in my life trying to parent him in a Godly way. Sometimes I fail in this but I do try. I teach him to love those who have less, those who come from broken homes, who may not have the same values as us.
Which brings me to my next point. My friend had put on her status on facebook that sometimes christian people have cliques among themselves making others feel left out. This is not Christ like at all. It is our job as parents to instill in our children to love each other. We have so many bullies in school because we don't often teach our children to love one another. Sure we speak it but we do not live it, we need to start leading by example, it is not just enough to say something we have to always follow through on it. Our children are watching us, they hear the things we say out of the public eye, and if they see us not practicing what we preach we can't expect them to follow it. It is our duty to form our children into the people they will become in the future.
Love and Light,
Which brings me to my next point. My friend had put on her status on facebook that sometimes christian people have cliques among themselves making others feel left out. This is not Christ like at all. It is our job as parents to instill in our children to love each other. We have so many bullies in school because we don't often teach our children to love one another. Sure we speak it but we do not live it, we need to start leading by example, it is not just enough to say something we have to always follow through on it. Our children are watching us, they hear the things we say out of the public eye, and if they see us not practicing what we preach we can't expect them to follow it. It is our duty to form our children into the people they will become in the future.
Love and Light,
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Been a long time since I've written
Things here have been sooo busy lately, that I haven't had a chance to write. I'm hoping this will change soon. Things here have been changing for the better though, Corbyn and I are more relaxed since being separated from Andy. Although Corbyn is testing me more than he ever has before. I think that is contributed to the Terrible Twos though. How do all of you parents with Toddlers out there deal with the frustrations brought on by the terrible twos? I know that I've been frustrated everyday for the last couple of weeks with my son not listening, I absolutely lovIe my son but he is so frustrating.
On another note I was asked by giveaway scout to add my blog to their directory so I am doing so. I hope in the near future to be able to giveaway some great things that will attract more people to my blog :)
Have a great day peoples. I've got to get up for work at 4am tomorrow morning.
Love and Light,
On another note I was asked by giveaway scout to add my blog to their directory so I am doing so. I hope in the near future to be able to giveaway some great things that will attract more people to my blog :)
Have a great day peoples. I've got to get up for work at 4am tomorrow morning.
Love and Light,
Thursday, August 12, 2010
So I haven't blogged in awhile
Sorry guys I haven't blogged in so long. Yeah I know bad me, honestly it's because I haven't really had much to blog about, I also haven't had internet for a bit as well. Things in my life have been turned upside down and honestly it's been a wake up call for me on what I really really want in life. Andy and I broke up, which at first I thought was a bad thing but now I'm seeing how good it might be for the both of us, it will give us time to decide what we really want in life. I'm not going to say that it was all bad, but lately the bad was more then the good and that's not what I want for myself or my son. So I'm really honestly glad that at this point we're not together. It's for the best, when you start losing trust in someone it's not good and time to rethink things. It's probably where every relationship starts to end is when you start losing the trust you once had, when that happens it's hard to gain it back. At this point in time, Corbyn and I are doing ok, we're looking up and onwards to our futures wherever that may lead us. I hope it leads us to bigger and better things, I hope to expand on my photography business, I hope to gain more knowledge out of things, and I hope to find myself. So here is to finding myself.
Cheers and in love and light,
Cheers and in love and light,
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
So it's been awhile since I last posted a blog, sorry that I haven't written in a while, work and everything is just getting in the way of my free writing time. Things here have been interesting, I'm sure that things are going to get even more busy lately. I don't have much time to write but I will say this, I have scheduled a photo shoot in for september. I'm excited about this, I love the prospect of being able to photograph people and make memories for them.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Life is busy
Well Life has been very busy lately, there have been some trying moments, some happy moments, and well some really sad moments. But in all the moments I've learned that life is a lesson, that we are all here to learn. Making the best of everything, is hard, it's really hard at times. Sometimes I feel really overwhelmed at times, I feel super overwhelmed at times. I know though that I am motivated to succeed, I'm motivated to do the things that I want to do, be the things I want to be. I'm trying to become a photographer so among working at my job, being a mom, I also study photography by correspondance. On top of that I have been working with my son on some delays that he has, we're working really hard and in 5 days we've come up with 4 more new words, which is great for him, he says all gone, yellow, no, and shoe now. I'm so proud of him. Anyways I have to make this short as I am very, very busy with editing my photography. So until next time people's I hope you are all well, and I'll write to you soon!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
It's been a long week
Sorry I haven't written in a while guys, I've been soo busy lately, with a new job, more photoshoots coming up and trying to book them. Its just been sooo busy. I did however get a nice new laptop a few days ago and I must say I just love love love it, it is a lot easier to deal with than my dead and broken desktop! Anyways this will be short, I just wanted all you lovelies to know that I am still alive and ticking!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Friday oh Friday!
So I've been slacking, I admit it, I'm sorry I don't mean to be such a slacker but my life has gotten BUSY! I do photography, and I've had a shoot that I did, I gave you a sample photo in my wordless wednesday blog. I've been given some great opportunities, I may have 3 shoots coming up, my friend just signed a record label and wants me to be her staff photographer and I was invited to do the women's show here in my town, as a Vendor!!! So as you can see it's been a busy life for me, and really I'm loving every single minute of it, I'm so happy to know that God is blessing me in SOOOO many ways!
Don't forget to head to Tazim's blog for her 30 days /30 giveaways for the month of June, it's still going on! Her button is on my side bar!
Don't forget to head to Tazim's blog for her 30 days /30 giveaways for the month of June, it's still going on! Her button is on my side bar!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Simply Deals Sunday (on hiatus this week)
So I never found any good deals to tell you about this week, nor do I have any products that are simply irresistible to me. I'll tell you what I did do though, I did a photoshoot for a nice couple named Matt and Melissa today. It was raining but it was a LOT of fun! I don't have much time to write today but I wanted to pass on a reminder about Tazim's giveaway go there and try your hand at winning!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Saturday Ramblings
Hey all, it's Saturday, its been raining and the suck weatherwise all day so we've been cooped up in the house. Le sigh. Tomorrow I have a photo shoot which is going to be awesome, and if it rains well that will be awesome too! We had chili tonight, it was good, we love chili in our house.
Here's how I make my chili:
1lb of Hamburger
2 cans of spaghetti sauce
A whole onion chopped
4 jalapeño peppers diced
2 cans of kidney beans
1 whole tomato diced
Garlic salt
Chili powder
Brown the hamburger in a frying pan, next put the onion in with the hamburger, once the onions are done put in a large pot, put the 2 cans of sauce, jalapeño peppers, kidney beans and tomato in and add spices. Simmer for 45 mins on medium high heat.
And finally don't forget to go enter Tazim's contest she's still doing her 30 days of giveaways!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Friday oh friday!
Hey all I'm not gonna do a blog post today really as I'm not feeling well, I have a headache and am feeling icky. My new laptop should be here soon hopefully which will be awesome because then I can lay down and blog or whatever. But I just wanted to remind everyone about Tazim's giveaway on her blog, 30 days and 30 give aways. Today she is giving away this lovely smelling Solid Perfume tin by Roxana illuminated perfume! So head on over and join the celebration of giveaways!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Frugal Thursdays!
OK first of all don't forget to head over to Tazim's Blog because she's still having her 30 days of Giveaways all of June, and she has some AWESOME stuff to give away on there.

Oh and here is a couple of pics of me and what I look like in them:

Secondly, I have to give a shout out to all my subscribers, when I started this blog 10 days ago I never would have thought that I would EVER EVER EVER in a million years have any followers, often times I don't think that I'm that interesting, but anyways, I want to thank you all so much for joining me in my blogging journey, as I share my hopes, dreams, joys, and sorrows with you. It means a lot to me, and I appreciate the following.
OK so I went to the mall today, got myself a double chocolaty chip frappachino from Starbucks. Now anyone who knows me personally can tell you what a Starbucks addict I am, at first when I moved back to New Brunswick I thought I was doomed because they don't have many of my fave places to stop for my treats, I don't treat myself often so when I do it's nice to be able to treat myself to things I've treated myself to for YEARS. Anyways, I was overjoyed to find out that the local mall( the biggest one in town and we only have 3) had a chapters, and EVERYONE knows what that means, you got it Starbucks! So I stopped in there today to treat myself to a nice double chocolaty chip frappachino, on the slim side, with skim milk sans whipped cream(that stuff is disgusting, I used to like it and eat it by the spoonful until I realized how many calories half a cup held), and it was grand! Oh so delish! Anyways, after about a year living here they brought in MORE of my fave places to go, winners, Montana's, East-side Mario's, even Panago. They are bringing in Costco even. Now if only they would bring in my most fave place ever 7-11 I'd be in happiness heaven! A red-lobster and olive garden that isn't 3 hours away would be nice too!
So back to the point of my post, you know the reason for frugal Thursdays! I bought shoes, I know you're probably thinking what the heck, how is that frugal, but they were 50% off, so the sticker price was $34.50 and after tax that would have worked out to $38.99, I ended up paying a grand total of $19.49 that is a total savings of $19.50. So I guess my point is, when you see a sale on good quality clothes, which I'm sure we ALL will be seeing here in the next little while as the seasons are changing or it could be a store going out of business (in my case it was), its ok to throw your money down and spend a bit more then you normally would on clothes, shoes, or accessories, because you never know when another sale is going to hit you. I'm the type of person who never spends money on myself because I can never justify it, but I also can never pass up the opportunity to buy a cute pair of shoes!
Oh and here is a couple of pics of me and what I look like in them:
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Oh yeah and don't forget about the 30 days of give aways over at Tazim's blog. Today she's giving away a cute pencil case!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Totally Tuesday
Ok so First of all, I made a awesomely delicious Chicken Pot Pie last night, it was so good, my cousin who came over for dinner had 2 whole big pieces of it. It was Yummy! I made 2 of these things, and let me tell you the second was a mishap because my frozen pie shells broke on the second one, so I had to be nifty and put them together in a fashion that looked good lol. Here is a pic of the good looking pie!

Second thing I'm going to blog about is this contest that is going on at one of the blogs I'm subscribed to! You can find that contest here. She's giving away this awesome mommy necklace and everyday from today until the 30th she'll be giving away something else! How awesome is that?
Have a great Tuesday everyone.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Memories Monday
In true spirit of memorial day I am going to do a post on something extra special. My son Ryland was born 4 years ago today and he was given up for adoption. All I have of him are memories and I wanted to dedicate this day's blog entry to him. He is very special and close to my heart. I love him always and especially on this day, he is in my heart, mind and all my thoughts. This post is going to be short but I wanted to share a picture of him it's one of my most favorite ones!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Simply Deals Sunday
Ok so I've dedicated sunday to deals I find, yep that's right if I find a deal, you are entitled to it too. I'm in no way affiliated with any of the products or deals I suggest or randomly happen upon. I would however LOVE to talk about two products that I absolutely adore, no lies, I absolutely adore both of the products I am about to tell you about.
First up is Live Clean Baby. For anyone who has a baby or a child you will understand my appreciation and greatfulness of this product. Its Hypoallergenic/pediatrician tested, has certified organic botanicals, it contains no SLS and is Sulfate Free, its 98% plant derived, and paraben free. Its also Petroleum Free, DEA Free, Phosphate Free, Pure Vegan, never tested on animals, has recyclable packaging, and biodegradable ingredients. Best part about this product is that it contains no nasty chemicals in it and is safe for your baby. Its an amazing product and my son just LOVES this product. I was introduced to this by my good friend Nikiyah whose blog you can find here she's an amazing lady. The website for Live clean products can be found here

The second Product I want to talk to you about is Too Faced Skin Primer. I swear by this stuff, it leaves your face feeling sooo smooth. My friend Suzanne sells this in her shop, which is called made you blush! I love this lady she sells so many awesome things in her shop for products. You can find her facebook here and Too Faced website is here
First up is Live Clean Baby. For anyone who has a baby or a child you will understand my appreciation and greatfulness of this product. Its Hypoallergenic/pediatrician tested, has certified organic botanicals, it contains no SLS and is Sulfate Free, its 98% plant derived, and paraben free. Its also Petroleum Free, DEA Free, Phosphate Free, Pure Vegan, never tested on animals, has recyclable packaging, and biodegradable ingredients. Best part about this product is that it contains no nasty chemicals in it and is safe for your baby. Its an amazing product and my son just LOVES this product. I was introduced to this by my good friend Nikiyah whose blog you can find here she's an amazing lady. The website for Live clean products can be found here
The second Product I want to talk to you about is Too Faced Skin Primer. I swear by this stuff, it leaves your face feeling sooo smooth. My friend Suzanne sells this in her shop, which is called made you blush! I love this lady she sells so many awesome things in her shop for products. You can find her facebook here and Too Faced website is here
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Oh the joys!
Ok so this post will be a bit short, or maybe not. Firstly, I found out that my nephew made it through his transplant and is doing well. So well in fact that they took him out of sedation immediately. What a little trooper he is, and I am so proud of him.
Ok next up, I've noticed lately that my son is very defiant and destructive. Now I don't know if this is just a phase but he doesn't listen as well as he used to, and he's been destroying his toys lately to my utter disdain. He's just not listening, I hope he grows out of it because I'm gonna be at my wit's end and soon.
To my utter shock, I lost my whole portfolio of pics on my computer today, which makes me angry because I had MANY pictures on my computer that never got backed up to a website. I'm so mad that I didn't back them up myself, how aweful that all my memories of my son are GONE!!! Well at least the ones that never made it on to facebook anyways.
Ok next up, I've noticed lately that my son is very defiant and destructive. Now I don't know if this is just a phase but he doesn't listen as well as he used to, and he's been destroying his toys lately to my utter disdain. He's just not listening, I hope he grows out of it because I'm gonna be at my wit's end and soon.
To my utter shock, I lost my whole portfolio of pics on my computer today, which makes me angry because I had MANY pictures on my computer that never got backed up to a website. I'm so mad that I didn't back them up myself, how aweful that all my memories of my son are GONE!!! Well at least the ones that never made it on to facebook anyways.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Close to my heart
So this blog is going to be about the things that are closest to my heart. I post a lot about things that are important to me but I want to touch on a few things here that I've been thinking about today.
First off, I got a call from a woman who is like my second mother, her daughter Kylie (whom is like my sister) has a little boy Named Nova, who was born with a debilitating liver disease, he needed a triple transplant of the liver, pancreas, and small intestine. We just found out today that as of Midnight, Mountain time, he will be recieving that transplant. As sad as it is that a child had to pass on so he could recieve this, I am also very thankful to God that this child was an EXACT match in the 1st stage of testing so they are going ahead with it, I'm so very very happy for Kylie. I could not imagine what it would be like to have a child who was in NICU and then PICU from the day he was born, living with a life threatening disease, not knowing whether they would get a donor or if they would lose their child. Nova was not supposed to make it, but he did, just like his mother he is a fighter. The best part of this gift is that Nova's father's birthday is today, what a wonderful, wonderful gift to recieve on your birthday, the gift of life for your child. A child who has spent everyday for the last year in a hospital due to this disease, a child that will now have a chance to live a full life!

My second reason for deep reflection and writing this blog post today has to do with the first, I always try and find the good things in life, joy in the little things, the news of my nephew Nova(not biologically mine, but mine none the less) getting a transplant it reminds me of the truly amazing and great things in life, even if they are small and simple. I'm reminded daily by my DS how amazing, amazing life is, by the smile on his face, the wonder in his eyes when he plays, how his face lights up when mommy or daddy come home from work. How much he loves us, and how all he needs is a simple hug and he's all better when he is feeling down. I think people should stop and reflect life and the world as a child sees it, in its simplicity.

My third reason for this blog today is to reflect a little bit on Our soldiers, now I know a lot of people don't agree with this war going on and don't support our troops, but that being said, Our troops whether Canadian or American or where ever they are from, took an oath to protect their countries, no matter what the cost. Whether it be their life, or through injury or whatever, they are protecting their countries with everything they have, and with memorial day upon us for my friends in the states I just wanted to write a little tribute to the soldiers not only from America, but all soldiers, I have a cousin right now who is in Afghanistan. I think about him daily, he is never far from my thoughts or my prayers. He went there to help rebuild a country in ruin, he volunteered for that mission. And I am praying that unlike so many soldiers that have died in the line of duty, that he will have a safe return. I appreciate my soldiers and I thank them for the job they do. A job that is often thankless and under appreciated. I hope that you all reading can also stop and take a minute to reflect and have a moment of silence for those fallen and still fighting.
And with that I am off, I hope you all have time to have some reflection and are able to stop for a minute and reflect on what is truly important in life.
First off, I got a call from a woman who is like my second mother, her daughter Kylie (whom is like my sister) has a little boy Named Nova, who was born with a debilitating liver disease, he needed a triple transplant of the liver, pancreas, and small intestine. We just found out today that as of Midnight, Mountain time, he will be recieving that transplant. As sad as it is that a child had to pass on so he could recieve this, I am also very thankful to God that this child was an EXACT match in the 1st stage of testing so they are going ahead with it, I'm so very very happy for Kylie. I could not imagine what it would be like to have a child who was in NICU and then PICU from the day he was born, living with a life threatening disease, not knowing whether they would get a donor or if they would lose their child. Nova was not supposed to make it, but he did, just like his mother he is a fighter. The best part of this gift is that Nova's father's birthday is today, what a wonderful, wonderful gift to recieve on your birthday, the gift of life for your child. A child who has spent everyday for the last year in a hospital due to this disease, a child that will now have a chance to live a full life!
My second reason for deep reflection and writing this blog post today has to do with the first, I always try and find the good things in life, joy in the little things, the news of my nephew Nova(not biologically mine, but mine none the less) getting a transplant it reminds me of the truly amazing and great things in life, even if they are small and simple. I'm reminded daily by my DS how amazing, amazing life is, by the smile on his face, the wonder in his eyes when he plays, how his face lights up when mommy or daddy come home from work. How much he loves us, and how all he needs is a simple hug and he's all better when he is feeling down. I think people should stop and reflect life and the world as a child sees it, in its simplicity.
My third reason for this blog today is to reflect a little bit on Our soldiers, now I know a lot of people don't agree with this war going on and don't support our troops, but that being said, Our troops whether Canadian or American or where ever they are from, took an oath to protect their countries, no matter what the cost. Whether it be their life, or through injury or whatever, they are protecting their countries with everything they have, and with memorial day upon us for my friends in the states I just wanted to write a little tribute to the soldiers not only from America, but all soldiers, I have a cousin right now who is in Afghanistan. I think about him daily, he is never far from my thoughts or my prayers. He went there to help rebuild a country in ruin, he volunteered for that mission. And I am praying that unlike so many soldiers that have died in the line of duty, that he will have a safe return. I appreciate my soldiers and I thank them for the job they do. A job that is often thankless and under appreciated. I hope that you all reading can also stop and take a minute to reflect and have a moment of silence for those fallen and still fighting.
And with that I am off, I hope you all have time to have some reflection and are able to stop for a minute and reflect on what is truly important in life.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Fabulously Frugal Eating
So who doesn't love a recipe that costs $2 per serving? I know as a person who is always looking for ways to save money I'm very appreciative when I find things that are frugal, cheap and easy to make. I have several friends who are parents, they are busy, have large families or are struggling financially in this economy. Well I just found a pretty tasty looking recipe on a blog that I'm subscribed to and I'm going to give it to you here, but you can find her blog here and please note that this is her recipe and not mine.
$2 Chinese Noodles
Though this recipe makes use of premade packs of ramen, the addition of garlic and sesame oil and fresh ginger makes them so much more than your basic bowl of noodles. Served aside my knockoff version of Panda Express Orange Chicken, Kumquat Kissed Orange Chicken, something magic happens. The flavors combine together to create a rich, flavorful meal. Very much worth the extra time it takes to go homemade. If you've got a crowd to feed as I did, you'll want to follow the recipe below exactly. Three adults and five children ate plentifully off of the amounts below. If, however, you're serving a smaller crowd, feel free to decrease the amounts as needed.
3 packs Top Ramen, chicken flavor
3 packs Top Tamen, beef flavor
2 T. sesame oil
2 T. olive oil
1 package frozen stir-fry veggies or chow mein medley
2 tsp. minced garlic
1/2 tsp. fresh ginger, finely grated
Remove the flavor packets from the ramen. Fill a very large pot with water and bring to a boil. Add ramen noodles. Boil 2-3 minutes, or just until softened. Drain. Return pot to hot stove, add sesame and olive oils. Add the garlic and ginger to the oils, allow cook for about 1 minute, then add veggies and flavor packs. Once veggies have fully thawed, add hot noodles back into the pot. Stir carefully until noodles are well coated with oil mixture. Serve immediately. Or, you know, for breakfast.
So there you have it folks a delicious looking recipe and it also includes a link to the Kumquat orange glazed chicken. Check her out, she has some AWESOME recipes there. I've also been reading a lot of blogs about repurposing old things to new. And I just wanted to share with you a picture of my awesome project I did last night before I go. Its a cross with John 3:16 written on it.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
The importance of living green.
Have you ever noticed how as of late, we have more people who are sick more often? Have you ever wondered why that is? I know as of late I've been questioning this very thing, and I'm positive its because of the chemicals from the products we use in everyday life. I've been sick for 4 days or so now and I've really started thinking about the products I've been using, and it seems like 98% of what I use, is nasty, chemical ridden stuff, as much as I try to recycle all the time, I'm still buying products that are not only unhealthy for me but also for our environment. We should look for products that are certified organic. I'm making an oath to myself to use products that are cleaner and greener for me and our environment. More home cooking, more repurposing, more composting, more upcycling, more homemade, more home grown. And I'm sending out a challenge to everyone who reads my blog to do the same. So who is with me?
So from today I'm starting a 30 day challenge for myself, I'm hoping others will join me in my journey to change the world we live in to a healthier world!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Hey all
Okay so I thought I would write my intro post since well I haven't written anything yet. So here it is. I'm Krystal, mommy to a beautiful baby boy named Corbyn and I have a wonderful man in my life named Andy. We live our lives simply, honestly and with as much love involved as we can. Yes we have days where we would like to strangle each other, I'm sure everyone has them, but we love each other. I'm a Christian and I try to live my life in a Christian way. I have very strong beliefs but don't ever tell me I'm wrong because you will get an earful. I don't push my beliefs on anyone who isn't open to hearing it, and I respect people for their beliefs. Andy and I believe in Attachment parenting and gentle discipline. We don't spank. That does not mean though that my child is a brat. He's not, our approach to discipline helps build our trust and respect between our members. And I firmly believe that we should treat our children as equals and by that I mean we should all remember that our children have feelings too, if we respect their feelings and boundaries they will respect ours. Some people may think that is a bit lax, in reality it works for us. Now on to the fun stuff. The reason I chose the name for my blog. That reason is simple, I believe that life should be lived earnestly, honestly and Godly. That's not to say we are a perfect family because we are not, we have our ups and downs just like everyone else. We do however recycle, I sew and crochet and I love to bake. I hope you enjoy my blog because that's what it's here for, your enjoyment.
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