First off, I got a call from a woman who is like my second mother, her daughter Kylie (whom is like my sister) has a little boy Named Nova, who was born with a debilitating liver disease, he needed a triple transplant of the liver, pancreas, and small intestine. We just found out today that as of Midnight, Mountain time, he will be recieving that transplant. As sad as it is that a child had to pass on so he could recieve this, I am also very thankful to God that this child was an EXACT match in the 1st stage of testing so they are going ahead with it, I'm so very very happy for Kylie. I could not imagine what it would be like to have a child who was in NICU and then PICU from the day he was born, living with a life threatening disease, not knowing whether they would get a donor or if they would lose their child. Nova was not supposed to make it, but he did, just like his mother he is a fighter. The best part of this gift is that Nova's father's birthday is today, what a wonderful, wonderful gift to recieve on your birthday, the gift of life for your child. A child who has spent everyday for the last year in a hospital due to this disease, a child that will now have a chance to live a full life!
My second reason for deep reflection and writing this blog post today has to do with the first, I always try and find the good things in life, joy in the little things, the news of my nephew Nova(not biologically mine, but mine none the less) getting a transplant it reminds me of the truly amazing and great things in life, even if they are small and simple. I'm reminded daily by my DS how amazing, amazing life is, by the smile on his face, the wonder in his eyes when he plays, how his face lights up when mommy or daddy come home from work. How much he loves us, and how all he needs is a simple hug and he's all better when he is feeling down. I think people should stop and reflect life and the world as a child sees it, in its simplicity.
My third reason for this blog today is to reflect a little bit on Our soldiers, now I know a lot of people don't agree with this war going on and don't support our troops, but that being said, Our troops whether Canadian or American or where ever they are from, took an oath to protect their countries, no matter what the cost. Whether it be their life, or through injury or whatever, they are protecting their countries with everything they have, and with memorial day upon us for my friends in the states I just wanted to write a little tribute to the soldiers not only from America, but all soldiers, I have a cousin right now who is in Afghanistan. I think about him daily, he is never far from my thoughts or my prayers. He went there to help rebuild a country in ruin, he volunteered for that mission. And I am praying that unlike so many soldiers that have died in the line of duty, that he will have a safe return. I appreciate my soldiers and I thank them for the job they do. A job that is often thankless and under appreciated. I hope that you all reading can also stop and take a minute to reflect and have a moment of silence for those fallen and still fighting.
And with that I am off, I hope you all have time to have some reflection and are able to stop for a minute and reflect on what is truly important in life.
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