
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hello world

I do believe again it's been quite awhile, however, this time it hasn't been months. Yeah I know I'm getting better at this. Life is still busy. I'm dealing with being pregnant, handling work and school and being a full time mom. I never quite realized how hard doing all of this was until I was right front and center with it. But I wouldn't change it, it's getting me closer to my goals, and I definitely love my job. Although, some days it is quite stressful. On top of that I have a full schedule of appointments for my son and myself. Being a mom to a child with special needs is tough and rewarding all at the same time. That and I am considered high risk because I had GD with my last pregnancy so they are closely monitoring my progress this time. Anyways I just wanted to write a short note, I'll come update more later.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

It's been a long time

It has been a long time since I've blogged, and by long I mean months. I'm sorry to all my subscribers, I had plans to blog more but life just seems to have gotten in the way. What have we been up to here? Well Corbyn is now potty learned, it was a long hard road but we made it through, and well I've been in the pursuit of a Job. I'm going to be starting a personal care aide course on the 21st of September. Next week is coming up on moose season, so Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I will be out in the pursuit of the moose I'm going to eat all this coming winter and into next year. I love wild meat and it will taste even better knowing that it was my kill. I started going to a new church this last few weeks and I'm really quite enjoying it there. Corbyn loves his Sunday School class. I'll be starting the Alpha course next week as well. Corbyn has started Preschool and he's loving it there as well. I'm excited for all the new things he'll be learning and this month they are talking about families, which is fantastic, the children will get to learn all about the different kinds of families. I think it's important for them that they learn that not every family is the same, there are many types of families that make up this world. Anyways that's all for now, I'll try to write more in the next day or two :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Busy bees are happy indeed

So I've been a busy bee lately. Four custom orders later and I'm finally able to get some personal stuff done. On the hook right now is a special project for my Cousin and his girlfriend who are due with their first baby in July. I can't wait to give it to them and see the baby in it. They will be good parents. They are the calmest people I know and my cousin's girlfriend really wanted this. I would too if I was with someone for 5 years. Yup that's right my baby cousin and his girlfriend have been together since she was a freshman in high school. Pretty awesome right. I think so too. So anyways I've had a busy few weeks and I've been working really hard on a lot of stuff. Getting my etsy store stocked with lots of cool things and all that jaz. It's amazing how invigorating it feels to do things for others, especially when you hand make it. Then I have something I have to make for my boyfriend's cousin and her man for their baby which is due in August. And then I'll probably make something for my son for easter. Yup yup.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lots on the go

Hey all it's Krys here! Yeah I'm getting better at this blogging regularily stuff, NOT!!! I've got sooo much on the go right now, I've got friends asking for dipe tutes, which I will be doing on this blog :) I have people wanting some of my longies, I was asked to be a guest speaker so to speak at a mommy meeting, and I'm gonna get paid to teach people what I love to do, which is crochet, I am making longies for people, shorties, skirties, you name it I'm making it. But I just wanted to check in and let you all know that I'm here, I'm alive and I'm super busy.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Projects Projects and more Projects :)

So I've been working on sooo many projects lately I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. Most people know my two favorite things are photography and Crocheting, I love being artsy and crafty and I'm always coming up with new ideas, it's awesome really. I love love love crafts. I know I know, I've already broken one of my new years resolutions, to write more here. But, honestly for the first week of the new year I didn't have my computer, and then I've just been so busy it's kind of got put on the back burner, I'm going to make more of an effort though, even if it's only just a few short sentences here and there. I'll be posting some of my projects up on the blog though so everyone can oogle over them :)